
What’s better, weightlifting or calisthenics?

13 Jun 2022
What’s better, weightlifting or calisthenics?

Before we start, let's do a quick recap in case you don’t know much about calisthenics. Have you seen these big guys that can do one handstand push-up and planches and wondered what the hell is their training routine? Well, 90% they’re the calisthenics monsters. 

Calisthenics (or street workouts) originated in ancient Greece and resurfaced in the early nineteenth century (yes, before the gyms). These exercises are now used in the fitness training of athletes, military personnel, law enforcement officers, and anyone (like you) who wants to become a human monster (in a good way). And now, scientists are  researching the use of calisthenics to treat a variety of health issues, including obesity and COPD. Interesting hah? The good part is yet to come!

The big guys I mentioned earlier? Their training program (callisthenics) needs only ONE thing that every human being ever created has, which is, a person's own body, as simple as that! 

Calisthenics are exercises that rely solely on a person's own body weight for resistance. The exercises are done in a variety of intensities and difficulty levels. What is so good about it, there is no limit to it, you can challenge your body as much as you want. Light portable objects such as rings, wands and a bar  are sometimes used. It can be down anywhere, anytime. As long as you have your body with you, you’re good to go. It improves 4 skills simultaneously, Strength, endurance, flexibility (sorry gym beasts), and coordination. 

Pro calisthenics players can do all these insane exercises because you can’t progress in calisthenics if you don’t build the correct foundations correctly, or if you have missed one of the 4 skills mentioned above. 

Okay now, what makes it better than weight lifting? (no persuading here) 

Its an ongoing battle and argument to prove which is best, but I’m not doing this here. At the end of the day, it depends on your personal goals and preference. If one wants to bulk up specific muscle groups, they may go for weight training, whereas calisthenics is the way forward for overall body strength.

  1. Flexibility 

The versatility of the workout is one of the craziest things about calisthenics. You only need your body and a space.No gym membership, no fancy equipment, no transportation time and cost, literally nothing (okay maybe a bar). This is because exercises like Crunches, pushups, lunges, and sit-ups are amongst the common, which can be performed almost in any place. There was once this story about of a pilot who uses to workout on the aeroplane landing floors between his flights! You see, It kind of deprives you of excuses entirely! 

  1. Gains  

Calisthenics, contrary to popular belief, can be utilized to build muscle, especially when coupled with small weights or resistance bands that increase the intensity of the activity. With this in mind, the fact that calisthenics works the entire body needs good form and posture, along with correct nutrition to achieve effects.

Weight training, on the other hand, increases muscular mass more significantly than calisthenics because it puts more pressure on the muscles. The capacity to increase resistance, whether using free weights or technology, is what allows one to notice faster results and continue to push oneself. Because at the end of the day, Your body, your brain, your muscles don’t care and they don’t even know what is causing the resistance. All they know is how to produce force to try and overcome it, this means they should be the same right? Except they aren’t. calisthenics does have one more advantage. Can weightlifters do a handstand for the first time? 99% of the time no, while calisthenics players can do almost any weightlifting exercise correctly and from the first time. This is because weightlifter might be ‘strong’ enough from a primer move (pectoralis major and triceps) point of view but they don’t have the shoulder stability, nor the coordination between the muscles, or even the correct posture and flexibility needed to perform such complex moves. This is because our bodies will find the easiest way to do anything, the path of least resistance. With callisthenics you can’t escape this, because in all calisthenics movements and you can’t cheat with poor technique in a handstand up or you’ll simply crumple to the ground!

So it forces you to have good technique and a strong core or you simply won’t be successful. You’ll fail!

  1. Safety

This is a drastically underestimated benefit, injuries because of weightlifting are infinite. They can occur because you didn’t double check the equipment you’re using, the weight is too heavy, your form is wrong, someone dropped a dumbbell on your feet, and so on. But with calisthenics, it’s very minimal, because no equipment, and again you can’t progress without performing exercises in the correct form, it must n't work. In addition, calisthenics is for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level, you can do any workout without fear of injury as long as you use proper technique.

  1. It’s fun 

Weightlifting workouts can be boring and you will find yourself stuck in a loophole. The same boring walls, metal equipment, and automation. It’s very easy to fall into the repetitive cycle and lose the spark of challenge and feelings of joy you had at the beginning, especially if you have been training for a long. 

With calisthenics, this is never the case. Firstly, the freedom of location itself is enough, you can choose your scenery and environment, and how will you utilize normal everyday things into equipment (basketball hoops for human flags anyone?). Secondly, in order to master a skill, you need a lot of progress and other skills (that can take weeks) to build upon, which is so fun and engaging. Finally, you can show off practically anywhere. Especially if you are good with combos, complete reading to understand more. 

  1. Static Vs freestyle 

The fun can be endless depending on your chosen preference. Freestyle callisthenics (referred to as street workouts or barflow) is so crazy that it has a world cup! Calisthenics freestyle, often known as 'bar flow,' is fast and the best for adrenaline lovers. Made up of a series of skills performed in rapid succession. The connectivity or 'flow' between skills is the essence of a good freestyle routine. Mastering time, momentum, and having a varied armory of skills to pull from (i.e. 'calisthenics vocabulary') allows for seamless transitions between the skills.

Isometric calisthenics is another name for static calisthenics. This type is well-known for its grips, pulls, and pushes. Athletes use holds to stay in the same position for an extended amount of time. They stay in a precise position while preloading muscles to create a tremendous force with pulls and pushes. This includes skills like, handstand, Blanche, human flags and so on. 

How to start callisthenics (or weightlifting if you still insist)? 

You only need two things to start, determination/willingness and nutrition. In order to be the strongest, healthiest and best version of yourself, you need to want to do so. No amount of thought, coaches, or money will push for change that you don’t believe in, even if you see results they are just temporary. So as long as you have you goal in mind, and the reason to pursue it, you’re on the right track, and consistency will follow. 

Secondly, you can’t drive a car that has no fuel. Same with your body, working out without correct nutrition will lead to poor performance and slow (or no) results. 

What foods should you consume to boost your performance? 

This is when things become a little complicated. 

There are a variety of exercise fads, as well as contradictory beliefs about the best nutrition. We’re not here to compare them all, we’ll just recommend simple changes to start adapting to your diet that will lead to enormous outcomes.

  1. Cut out the three whites. 

Remove the sugar, salt and white flour from you life 

This is because these three have an impact on your blood sugar levels and hunger. Sugar, processed carbs, and carbs with little fiber cause blood glucose levels to rise. Following this high, your glucose levels will drop, resulting in a drop in insulin levels, the hunger-regulating hormone, and a feeling of hunger. 

By eliminating refined carbohydrates, you'll keep your glucose levels more stable, and as a result, your insulin levels will be stable as well, reducing hunger. So what to substitute? As for the white flour, which is the best alternative depends on your goal (shredding or bulking). The options include: (rice, oat, almond, coconut, chickpea and more)

You can shop all the flour alternatives here 

There is a debate as for which sugar alternative is better, but there is common agreement upon basics like (honey, stevia, monk fruit, dates and basically any sweet fruit/vegetable like bananas, sweet potatoes)

You can shop all sugar substitute here

The best salt substitute out there that doesn’t lock water in your body is Himalayan salt.

  1. The calories debate 

The "calorie density" of different foods is an important one.  Simply expressed, this word relates to the calories-to-density ratio, or how satisfying a food is compared to how many calories it contains. This notion is critical for weight loss (and health in general) since it allows you to feel satisfied without consuming a large number of calories. 

Foods that have been processed and added ingredients to make them tastier and sweeter to the consumer will have a high caloric content relative to their density, as they have been processed and added ingredients to make them tastier and sweeter to the consumer. These are referred to as "empty calories" since they have little nutritious value while providing a lot of calories.

In general, you’ll want to go for low calorie density foods such as:

  • Non-starchy Vegetables: Lettuce, Spinach, Carrot, Asparagu
  • Fruits: Strawberries, Bananas, Berries
  • Oats, Whole Grains, Beans, Sweet Potatoes, Corn, Squash
  • Tuna, Chicken Breast
  1. Snakes substitute 

Being healthy and nutritious doesn’t mean depriving yourself from sweets and midday snacks. You can still eat your chocolates and protein bars that have minimal or no carbs. Similarly you can boost your workout session with chocolate shakes with a protein powder as a base. There is a whole list of substitutes you can choose from depending on your needs and preferences here.

Back to calisthenics, did you know the term "calisthenics" is derived from the Greek terms "kallos" and "sthenos"? "Kallos" refers to the concept of aesthetics and beauty, particularly in relation to the human form. And “sthenos” refers to moral or emotional strength, might, power. You can't go wrong with calisthenics if you want an appealing physique that represents both strength and beauty.

So to sum up, weightlifting or calisthenics? Well, the skills and strength are transferable, but only one way, I know which way I’d personally prefer to train… What about you?

Class dismissed

Stay healthy, 

Wellbene, your wellness companion


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