Personality - Balanced, protective and helpful.
Herbal Power - Promotes healthy liver function.
Reason to Love - Based on a combination of herbs inspired by Traditional Chinese Medicine, our herbalists blended dandelion and chicory roots€”bitter and earthy and used to stimulate your liver's natural detoxification processes€”with Schisandra berries, whose use was first documented 5,000 years ago. Called "five flavor berry" in Chinese, Schisandra is unique in that it has all five tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and pungent (or warmly spicy). A delightfully, complex-tasting tea, we love it because it gives the liver the love it deserves.
Taste - A complex blend of all five tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, pungent and salty.
تواصل معنا من خلال أي من قنوات الدعم التالية:
رقم الهاتف: +97158 575 2023
الإيميل: [email protected]
العنوان: تقاطع شارع جميرا, دبي, الإمارات العربية المتحدة
© 2022 Wellbene, All Rights Reserved. Wellbene Life Sciences Fzco – Licence Number 12976
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