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Cod liver oil is like regular fish oil, which consists of omega-3 fatty acids. It provides many health benefits, including reducing inflammation and lowering blood pressure. It consists of Vitamin A and D also. Sunshine N Cod Liver Oil is the best source for omega-three fatty acids such as DHA and EPA as it contains Vitamin D and Vitamin A. These vitamins are essential for health like eye and skin health and immune system. Vitamin D strengthens the bones and muscles with the health of teeth by absorbing phosphorus and calcium. Cod liver oil is used to reduce joint pain and arthritis. It improves cardiovascular health also.

Benefits of Sunshine N Cod Liver Oil

Cardiovascular Support: Sunshine N Cod Liver Oil prevents heart strokes, leading cause of death globally. It reduces triglycerides by 30%. It lowers blood pressure and cholesterol because it has omega-three fatty acids. It promotes the production of good cholesterol like HDL and reduces the risk of a heart attack. It prevents the formation of plaque. 

 GMP Quality Assured: Sunshine Nutrition is committed to purity and safety in all healthcare products because Sunshine Nutrition knows how important your health is. Sunshine N Cod Liver Oil is non-GMO, sugar-free, and gluten-free. It contains no artificial sweeteners and colors.

High in Vitamins: Sunshine N Cod Liver Oil is rich in essential vitamins. Cod liver oil is extracted from natural sources from the liver of Atlantic Cod. It contains vitamins that promote the health of bones, muscles, and joints. It treats rickets and arthritis. 

Reduce Inflammation: Sunshine N Cod Liver Oil helps the body to fight against infections and healing wounds. It helps to reduce the inflammation and other injuries inside the human body. It also reduces the chronic inflammation that can lead to serious diseases like heart diseases. 

Bone Health: Because of the presence of vitamins in Sunshine N Cod Liver Oil, it helps to maintain the bone's health as you age. After 30, people start losing their bones, especially women, because of the loss of vitamins. Sunshine N Cod Liver Oil is a great source of vitamins and calcium, and it absorbs calcium that is vital for the stronger bones and muscles. 

Reduce Joint Pain and Arthritis: Arthritis is a disease that is caused by the damage of joints. Sunshine N Cod Liver Oil reduces joint pain and treats the symptoms of arthritis-like stiffness and swelling of joints. 

Anxiety and Depression: Sunshine N Cod Liver Oil reduces depression, stress, and anxiety. It promotes the good health of humans.

Stomach and Gut Health: Ulcer is a disease of the gut. If there is a break in the gut's lining, then these are ulcers, and it can lead to nausea, discomfort, and abdominal pain. Sunshine N Cod Liver Oil helps to reduce the ulcers and removes the inflammation in the stomach. 

How to take it?

The suggested usage of Sunshine N Cod Liver Oil is:

For Adults: 1 or 2 soft gels daily at the time of the meal or as recommended by the healthcare professional.

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