Sunshine Calcium with Vitamin D3 is a healthy way to improve your bones, body health, and teeth. Vitamin D is present in tablets, supporting bones and the immune system's health and making your body stronger. Calcium is important for bones, but it is also essential for the contraction of muscles and nerves' function. Sunshine Calcium with Vitamin D3 promotes the body's health by absorbing calcium because Vitamin D and essential nutrients are present in these gummies.
Benefits of Sunshine Calcium with Vitamin D3
Prevent Blood Calcium: The combination of Calcium and D32 reduces blood calcium levels in the body and people who do not get enough calcium through the diet.
Osteoporosis: Sunshine Calcium with Vitamin D3 treat osteoporosis, which is the situation of bone loss, and it is due to the low calcium levels in the body.
Weak Bones/Rickets: Sunshine Calcium with Vitamin D3 treats rickets by balancing the body's calcium levels. It also helps to improve the activities of the parathyroid gland and muscle contraction. Sunshine Calcium with Vitamin D3 ensures that there is enough amount of calcium and Vitamin D in the body, especially in pregnant women also.
Calcium: Sunshine Calcium with Vitamin D3 contains calcium, which helps in the normal functioning of the cells like muscles, nerves, and bones. If there is less amount of calcium in the body, it will absorb the calcium from the bones, and in this way, bones become weak, so it is important to have enough calcium in the body.
Vitamin D: Sunshine Calcium with Vitamin D3 contains calcium, which supports the body to absorb phosphorus and calcium by keeping the body and bones strong.
Phosphorous: Sunshine Calcium with Vitamin D3 contains phosphorous, promoting energy production and teeth health.
Bone Aging: Sunshine Calcium with D32 tablets provides enough calcium per serving and promotes bone health and your fitness regime.
Thinking and Learning: Sunshine Calcium with D32 tablets contains phosphorus and Vitamin D, and these ingredients help in the development of the brain and learning processes.
Non-GMO and Gluten-Free: Sunshine Calcium with Vitamin D3 tablets are Non-GMO, and these are gluten-free. These tablets contain no corn, yeast, soy, and gelatin. These tablets are Paleo and Celiac friendly. No artificial colors are used in the manufacturing of these gummies. It is 100% safe for you and your kids. Sunshine Calcium with Vitamin D3 is GMP certified.
Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol), Calcium (as calcium carbonate)
How to take it?
The suggested usage of Sunshine Calcium with Vitamin D3 tablets is:
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العنوان: تقاطع شارع جميرا, دبي, الإمارات العربية المتحدة
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