
مسحوق الفحم/الكربون النشط من كيكي هيلث 70 جرام

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كود المنتج LF674
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متوفر بالمخزون
الطلب في 16 ساعات 32 الدقائق
شحن مجاني Fri, 21st Feb عند الشراء بقيمة 100 درهم على منتجات مختارة
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عملية استرجاع سهلة خلال 10 أيام .

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شحن مجاني عند دفع 100 درهم وزيادة على المنتجات المختارة

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KIKI €˜s Activated Charcoal is produced from sustainable coconuts which have been highly purified with steam to remove any contaminants for use as a pharmaceutical active ingredient.

It is a finely reduced powder (5-10 microns), which presents a huge surface area for the absorption of unwanted substances. When taken orally or used on teeth or skin it works like a sponge to soak up contaminants.

Activated charcoal contributes to reducing excessive flatulence after eating.

The beneficial effect is obtained with 1 g which should be taken at least 30 minutes before and 1 g shortly after the meal.

Directions Of Use:

Adults & children over 12: 1 teaspoon dispersed in a glass of water, taken by mouth immediately. Rinse with water to remove any residue.

For teeth: Put a small amount of powder into the palm of your hand. Wet toothbrush and dip into powder. Gently brush for 2 minutes. Brush again with water or toothpaste to remove residue.


100% Activated Charcoal

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